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Honest sustainability in corporate america

A Case Study of Proctor and Gamble

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This website hopes to bring transparency and insights to consumers and corporations alike regarding corporate sustainability strategies that are currently being implemented in modern America. Due to consumer awareness and demand, corporations are beginning to bring sustainability to the forefront of their business mission. However, more often than not, corporations’ ideas of sustainability do not truly revolutionize operations in a meaningful way. Rather, they result in what is commonly known as greenwashing. This project aims to highlight these disparities and introduce strategies that will truly lead to a more circular and sustainable economy through specifically analyzing Proctor and Gamble’s (P&G) current practices and attempts at sustainability. 

Why Proctor and gamble?

Proctor and Gamble is one of the world's largest home goods product line. By analyzing their sustainability framework we hope to inspire similar companies to adopt more environmentally practices and show how it is possible for large corporations to be more socially and ethically conscious.  

For Corporations

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For Consumers

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